This is an archive version of the LUF website, kept in the background of the current website for reference.
The Living Universe Foundation is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to ensure the eternal prosperity of life in this universe. We are the only known species capable of bearing this great task, and we must work collaboratively toward objectives that span centuries and solar systems. To reach our full potential, we must mature beyond the protective womb of Earth and extend our reach to the stars, carrying an abundance of life with us.
Before we can colonise space, we should first get our own house in order. Once we learn to live sustainably on Earth, we can create sustainable colonies in space. As we learn to reuse and recycle everything, we are teaching ourselves how to live in closed eco-systems. As we learn to utilize renewable energy on Earth, we will be able to efficiently power colonies in space. Once we learn how to eliminate poverty on Earth, we will be able to provide prosperity and abundance to an endless expansion of pioneers. As we master efficient food production on Earth, we will be able to feed expanding societies within closed eco-systems in space. But our efforts in space will always follow our successes here on Earth.
Humanity has a long journey ahead of it; like all journeys, there is a risk of getting lost along the way. The Living Universe Foundation's vision is a roadmap to a future and a Universe glowing with life.