The Millenial Project - Bibliography

Marshall Savage put a huge amount of work putting together The Millenial Project, and gathered a very comprehensive bibliography for the book. The following links are directly from this bibliography, in the order presented.

Original Bibliography recordAmazon linkAdditional notes/links
Baroika, Allen A. "The Chip," National Geographic, Vol. 162, No.4, (October, 1982), pp. 421-457. The link box is to subscribe to National Geographic. For this particular issue, you can click here: National Geographic Vol. 162 No. 4 October 1982
Barr, Roderick A., et al. "Theoretical Evaluation of the Sea-Keeping Behavior of Large OTEC Plant Platforms and Cold Water Pipe Configurations." U.S. ERDA Cont. No. ET-76-C-02-2681, C00-2681-3, (August, 1978). You can check the World Catalog for a copy at a local library:
Basic Petroleum Data Book- Sept. '86. "Petroleum Industry Statistics," Vol. VI, No. 3. American Petroleum Institute', 1986. The 2011 version is available from the American Petroleum Institute.
Bassett, L.S. et al. "Prevention of Disuse Osteoporosis in the Rat by Means of Pulsing Electromagnetic Fields," Electrical Properties of Bone and Cartilage: Experimental Effects and Clinical Applications. Carl T. Brighton, Jonathan Black and Soloman Pollack, eds. New York: Grove & Stratton, 1979. We're trying to get Amazon to update the book record with the correct information on the editors.
Bates, D.R., ed. Space Research and Exploration. New York: William Sloan Assoc., 1958.Space Research and Exploration is available on
Beard, Jonathan "Balloon in Space Takes the Heat off Spacecraft," New Scientist, 14 Oct. 1989, p. 35.A preview of the article is available here, but you need to subscribe to their website to read the entire thing online.
Beatty, J. Kelly, Andrew Chaikin and Brian O'Leary, eds. The New Solar System. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982.
Becker, Robert 0. "Effects of Electrical Currents on Bone In Vivo," Nature, Vol. 204, (Nov. 14, 1964), pp. 652-654.A PDF copy of the article is available on with a paid subscription.
Becker, Robert 0. "The Significance of Electrically Stimulated Osteogenesis," Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, Vol. 141, (June, 1979), pp. 266-274.The article is available on for a paid subscription.
Bedding, James "Money Down the Drains," New Scientist, (15 April 1989), pp. 34-38.The full article is available on for a paid subscription.
Bender, David F. "The Lunar Capture Phase of the Transfer of Asteroidal Material to Earth Orbit by Means of Gravity Assist Trajectories," Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Vol. 40, (March, 1987), pp. 129-132.The Journal only has articles on the Web going back to 2007 that we can find. This should be available through your library system.
Berkovsky, B. "Ocean Thermal Energy- Prospective for a Renewable Source of Power," U.S. DOE CONF-780236, The Fifth Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Conference , (February, 1978).We found the Procedings of the Fifth OTEC Conference on Open Library.
Berry, Adrian. The Iron Sun: Crossing the Universe Through Black Holes. New York: E.P.P. Dutton, 1977.
Berry, Adrian. The Next Ten Thousand Years. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1974.
Bickel, John 0., ed. Tunnel Engineering Handbook. New York: Von Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1982.
Biddle, Wayne. "Two Faces of Catastrophe," Smithsonian Air & Space, (Aug./Sept., 1990), pp. 46-49.This article discusses the different ways in which NASA handled the Apollo 204 fire in 1967 and the Challenger disaster in 1986. We were unable to find a copy of the article online, but there are many references to it and it should be available through your local library
Birch, Paul. "Radiation Shields for Ships and Settlements," Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Vol. 35, (November, 1982), pp. 515-519.The Journal only has articles on the Web going back to 2007 that we can find. This should be available through your library system.
Black:, Jonathan. Electrical Stimulation. New York: Praeger, 1987.
Bloembergen, Nicolaas, and C. Kumar Npatel. "Strategic Defense and Directed Energy Weapons," Scientific American, Vol. 257. No. 3, (September, 1987), pp. 39-45.Scientific American only has archives online going back to 1993. This should be available through your local library system.
Bluestone, Mimi. "Solar Power: Alive, Well- and Almost Making Money," Business Week, (July 18, 1988), pp. 132-133.Business Week only has online archives back to 1991. This should be available through your local library system.
Bodin, Michael A. "Brief -Human Vacuum Exposure In Relation to Space Rescue Operations," Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Vol. 30, (February, 1977), pp. 55-62.The Journal only has articles on the Web going back to 2007 that we can find. This should be available through your library system.
"Boeing Aerospace Facility to Aid SDI Decision on FEL Technology," Aviation Week and Space Technology, (Aug. 18, 1986), pp. 66-69.We are unable to find a copy of this online, but the magazine issue should be available through your local library system.
Bond, Alan, and Anthony R. Martin. "A Conservative Estimate of the Number of Habitable Planets in the Galaxy," Journal of the British Interplanetary Society , Vol. 31, (November, 1978), pp. 411-415.The Journal only has articles on the Web going back to 2007 that we can find. This should be available through your library system.
Bowman, Geoffrey. "Phobos and Deimos," Spaceflight, (October, 1980), pp. 303-311.Spaceflight has been published since 1956. This should be available through your library system.
Bowman, Norman J. "The Food and Atmosphere Control Problem on Space Vessels," Realities of Space Travel , L.J. Carter. ed. New York: McGraw Hill Book Co., Inc., 1957.
Brand, Stewart. The Media Lab: Inventing the Future at M.l.T. New York: Penguin Books, 1988.
Brand, Stewart, ed. Space Colonies. New York: Penguin Books, 1977.
Brandt, Richard and Otis Port. "Intel: The Next Revolution," Business Week, (Sept. 26, 1988), pp. 74-80.Business Week only has online archives back to 1991. This should be available through your local library system.
Brewer, J.H., et al. "Construction Feasibility of OTEC Platforms." U.S. ERDA Contract No. ET-78-C-02-493I, C00-4931-1.This is available from the Department of Commerce National Technical Information Service.
Brighton, Carl T. "Bioelectrical Effects on Bone and Cartilage," Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, Vol. 124, (1977), pp. 2-4.This is available from
"Britain Pushes to the Fore in Growing Algae for Drugs," New Scientist (1 Oct. 1987), p. 35.Google Books has a copy of this half-page article posted.
Broecker, Wallace S. "Unpleasant Surprises in the Greenhouse," Nature, Vol. 328 (1987), p.123.A PDF copy of the article is available on with a paid subscription.
Bruckner, A.P., and A. Hertzberg. Ram Accelerator Direct Launch System for Space Cargo. IAF-87-211, Seattle: University of Washington, 1987.We have a PDF copy of this paper that was printed in the JOURNAL OF PROPULSION AND POWER in March of 1992.
Bubenik, G. A., et al. "The Effect of Neurogenic Stimulation on the Development and Growth of Bony Tissues," The Journal of Experimental Zoology, Vol. 219, (1982), pp. 205-216.This article is available from the Wiley Online Library.
"Building a Space Station," U.S. News and World Report, (Sept. 26, 1988), p. 60.US News and World Report ended print publication in December of 2010. The Sep 26 1988 issue should be available at your local library.
Bustin, Robert. "Determination of Hydrogen Abundance in Selected Lunar Soils," NASA-N87-30239, Oct. 31, 1987.The PDF file is supposed to be available here, however NASA is reviewing the contents of all report archives at the moment.