The Trillion Dollar Investment Opportunity In Renewable Energy

Today, I’m covering the renewable energy sector and making a buy recommendation. There is room for Wind and other alternatives at this company but the primary focus is utility scale solar photovoltaic plants.

A primitive selenium photovoltaic existed as early as 1839. During the early atomic age, Bell Labs improved on the design by using much more efficient silicon. The efficiency was still below the 6% deemed to be commercially viable. At any rate, there has been over a century of research and development into making better solar cells. If you were to buy a typical residential system today, you’d expect to get cells with an efficiency of about 20%. The technology exists already however for efficiency up to 26%, with 30% projected in just a few short years.

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Introducing Tom Hanson – Mars Society Correspondent

2019/09/20 Cornerstone for NewMars Updates

Since participating in the 2011 Reboot of Lufteam in Yahoo Groups, I’ve been invited into the posting community at NewMars.Com/forums.

Because settlement of Mars was one of Marshall Savage’s objectives for the Millennial Project, I am hoping activity on the NewMars forum will (occasionally) be of interest to readers here.

The NewMars forum started as a function of the Mars Society in (about) 2001, and it has been operating since then, with occasional interruptions due to outside forces, such as equipment failure and attacks by hackers.

I am currently supporting two initiatives which may be of interest to the LUF community:

  1. My Hacienda
  2. Asteroid Miner’s Navigation App

My Hacienda is a topic evolving from the “creation” of a (mythical) Sagan City (2018). It envisions 2750 plots of one square kilometer each laid out around a location on Mars arbitrarily chosen by a member named “Louis” in 2018. The intention of the topic is to bring together 2750 people who will accept responsibility for Division of Labor and Open Market trading to build a virtual community able to deliver comfortable living at the level of first tier cultures on Earth in 2019. The environment is considered to exist after the initial hard scrabble colonization phase, which is explored in great detail elsewhere on NewMars forum.

The Asteroid Miner’s Navigation App undertaking arises from the presence in the NewMars community several veterans of the American space program from the 1960’s forward. The expertise of these veterans is a perishable resource, and I am hoping to capture that expertise for posterity, by capturing it in software that can be run on a smart device to plan a trip between celestial objects, the way first tier citizens on Earth today can plan a trip between cities using GPS.

Update 2019/10/16: SpaceNut is the Administrator of the NewMars forum.

Recently, SpaceNut found a NASA web site that appears to perform many of the services described in the paragraph above, about the Asteroid Miner’s Navigation App. The site is offered for academic research, particularly by researchers thinking about a possible mission. … ature.html


Who is Caycee And What is Open Knowledge?


My name is Cacyee Dee Neely, or as many people do, just Dee. I am a programmer, CAD designer, ethicists, philosopher, and researcher with a focus on the application of open source, or open knowledge, applied to the area of space settlement. I have an Associates degree in Computer Science and almost done with a Bachelors in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics from Southern New Hampshire University. As an obsession, I am also a taxonomist working on developing a complete ecosystem of all knowledge and information. I am the Open Knowledge Correspondent for the collective blogging effort of the Living Universe Foundation.

I have been a space exploration advocate for a long time. As long as I can remember and the birth of that fascination was, as it was for so many, Star Trek. The principles of egalitarianism, tolerance, and science promoted by Gene Roddenberry provided a firm foundation for my entire life’s philosophy. Of course, there are also many other influences on my work. One of the most significant factors was reading The Millennial Project: Colonizing the Galaxy in Eight Easy Steps by Marshall T. Savage. Which, naturally, led to my connection to the Living Universe Foundation. The question, however, is how best to achieve those goals. I believe that Open Knowledge is a critical aspect of that work. What is Open Knowledge?

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Introducing Lizard King – Finance and Economics Correspondent

By way of introduction, my name is Lizard King. I am the new Finance and Economics correspondent for the collective blogging effort of the Living Universe Foundation. As a matter of my credentials to weigh in on these matters I hold an Associates of Applied Science in Accounting, a Bachelors of Business Administration in Economics, and a Masters of Business Administration with a concentration in Finance. I am a little peculiar among my peers in that I retired early on 5OCT2012 at the age of 40. I blog about my trading strategies and the early retirement lifestyle at Financial Velociraptor.

In my short career, I spent most of my time doing close, consolidation, and the preparation of financial statements as required for SEC reporting for huge faceless corporations. I’ve several times been on the corporate insider’s list and have had the displeasure of rubbing elbows with the sort of psychopaths who rise to the C-Suite titles of such companies. Likewise, I’m well versed in the silly little games corporations play and the rampant conflicts of interest that exist in the external auditing framework for public companies.

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